I had told my girlfriend Sue, that this was my plan. Having Tim here would allow me the time to get it done and I was excited. Sue, the good friend that she is, warned me that the Latino hair dresser "may not" know how to handle thin, fine blond hair and could leave the color on too long and burn it!! She suggested my husband do it but first of all, there was no blond color at the grocery store and secondly, this is a task my husband had never done before and with our luck, wouldn't turn out well. Then I would look bad AND be mad at my husband. ;) So I opted to try the latino hair dresser!!
The man my friend Michele suggested, wasn't working but there was a woman, Dory who "knew how" to highlight. There was a guy behind the counter who spoke pretty good English and we struggled through a conversation of what I wanted. Yes, I was a little nervous at this point. I ended the conversation by saying how different my hair is....it doesn't need a lot of time for color...much less than most of your clients. Everyone was shaking their head - the universal language for "yes, we understand". So my wonderful husband took my noisy children away to return an hour later when I was finished.
Dory was much slower than my hairdresser, Sandy back home. She took a lot of time putting the foil in my hair...I thought, "she's going to have to wash my hair as soon as she's finished!!" Her phone kept ringing and she was talking on it the entire time while she was doing my hair - this is quite the task since you have to use two hands to do foil and you need to FOCUS so you put on the right amount of color!! When she finished, she whispered to me (not to disturb the person she was talking to on the phone) "un pocito" or "just a minute" and left!!
I kept telling myself...."Lesa, you have been waiting so long to get your hair done...this is your time to relax...so relax....she knows what she's doing...she is a professional.....of course, she is paying attention....burning hair is cause for termination, etc.." I kept looking at my watch and about 10 minutes later, she showed up...off the phone and I took a deep breath to relax. She checked a few foils and AGAIN said "un pocito" - so I told her again that my hair is very different and doesn't need a lot of time...she shook her head and smiled and left!! Another 10 minutes go by and by now I'm thinking that I'm going to pull the foils out myself and wash my own hair, who cares if they think I'm a crazy gringo....I'll never see them again!!! Dory shows up, is satisfied with how everything looks and starts to take my foils out.
I was then led to the sink where another lady washed my hair with WARM WATER - It felt incredible...she had me so relaxed, I was loving it. Then, she called Dory over and they started to ramble in Spanish - very quickly and I couldn't pick up a word and all of a sudden I panicked, "Please God - tell me that I don't have lice"!!! Well, everyone kept smiling at me....good sign and then they were telling me that they were putting some extra conditioner on me...whew!! So I sat back and enjoyed every moment!!! Who cares if my hair is burnt....this feels so so good!!!
Dory then put me back in the chair and started to comb it out - all my hair looked in tact, I couldn't tell what the color was, but again was enjoying being pampered! She cut my bangs (they were so long) and trimmed the ends - she then blow dried my hair and it was GORGEOUS!!! She dried my hair straight and it was so healthy looking and blond (no more dark brown roots and grey!!!) My family was very complementary and I was one happy camper!!
We met our cab driver to go home and he kept staring at me - he said "muy differente" - very different and when I got in the back seat, he adjusted his rear view mirror so he could get a better look. My husband was laughing and commenting to Norman about how good my hair looked!! ;) Come on Norman, don't be making these comments IN FRONT of my husband, right?!?!? ;)
We met our friends, Jason, Michele and Jonathon for dinner at a great Italian restaurant - had a great time!! Jonathon always reminds us that boys are so different than girls..

We are now packing for our trip to San Juan del Sur. It is a gorgeous beach/resort that is very close to Costa Rica. We have heard many wonderful things about it and we are very excited to be able to see it!! We booked a room with an ocean view - they have AC, two restaurants and three pools...sounds awesome!! So we are off on another adventure - awaiting news on our court date but our lawyer seems to think it will be towards the end of the week before we hear anything - So two nights stay at San Juan del Sur!! I will blog when I get home and let you all know how it was.
Have an awesome week - love and blessings to you all!!!