Thursday, May 28, 2009

Through her eyes....

Hello loved ones!!! I had a very good day today - a friend of mine, Trisha asked me to go to a local mall with her to shop my blue's away from yesterday - so we ventured out to the "Galleria" mall - it's about a 30 minute cab ride - I have learned that if I set the stage for my girls....letting them know what the day will entail....they do a little better enduring. So I explained to them - this is a day for Mommy to relax - a day for a little patience - a day to not ask a bunch of questions and just go with the flow (not easy to describe to my Spanish speaking daughter but I think she got the main points).

We arrived around 11:00 and immediately I remembered the first time I had been here - On my very first missions' trip to Nicaragua - we had stopped at this mall in the food court and I remember how happy I was to use the bathroom in the mall (it was clean and they actually have running water) and the food selection was AWESOME!!! Chicken, pizza, Burger King - yyyeeesss!! Now I was really excited.

I wasn't the only one excited - our sweet Martita giggled every time she went up the escalator - she talked non-stop when we went into a toy store - Momma, Momma, Momma.....She even learned the assumptive close (I too, am very good at this) - She would grab a toy and say "Thank you Momma" before I ever said she could have it!!! Needless to say, she scored today!!

Even when I was trying on shoes (I found the cutest pair of sandals) she would try on a pair and pose in front of the mirror and smile. We ate lunch at Tip Top (much like Kentucky Fried Chicken) and I got her chicken nuggets and fries and it came with a plastic watch. She was so excited and kept saying "Thank you Mom" "I love you Mom"!!! She would show me her watch and I would ask her "what time is it?" and she would say 1:00!! Then 2 minutes later, she would show me her watch again and I would ask the same question and she would get a big smile and tell me "1:00"!!

She is so excited about things that I so take for granted. A free toy - an air conditioned mall - trying new things - riding on an escalator - wanting something and actually getting it and being part of a family!! Her enthusiasm is contagious and both Lucie and I enjoyed our day with our Martita.

I told my husband tonight that I catch myself looking at her and watching what she's doing - how happy she is....her beautiful smile and always wanting to please attitude - she has the most loving heart....I look at her and can't believe that she's mine!! Martita is my daughter!! She will always be my daughter -

This time is tough and challenging but it is a small price to pay for our precious treasure....

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