Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I'm back......

Yes, the rumors are true...I am back in Nicaragua. Many of you thought that I would get a taste of the "good life" and leave my husband stranded in Nicaragua with my two youngest daughters... I would be lying if I said the thought never crossed my mind!! ;) It has been a very busy and fun few days...let me give you some details!!

I first went directly to the nail shop and had some major work done on my feet and hands - this is my one modern convenience I am really having a hard time living without (don't judge me). I then had my hairdresser come to my house to wash that grey right out of my hair...do do do...and a little trim (O.K., I guess that's 2 modern conveniences). I ate the Cobb Salad from Red Robin with some friends, dined at Coastal Flats and Sweetwater (I guess you could count this as #3 modern convenience...but that's a stretch....a girls' gotta eat, right?) and had a blast with some of my friends. I went on walks in my neighborhood, did some shopping for Nicaragua and spent some great quality time with my sister and niece (my Dad drove me crazy and loves my husband much more than me....Tim MUST be present for all future visits from Dad). I spent more time at the airport....picking up family, flying myself, going to Vermont, coming home and then back to Nicaragua....a lot of flying!!

What did I enjoy the most about being home? Well, let me think; hot showers, room to turn around in my bathroom, not having to put toilet paper in the trash can (future blog), sleeping on a bed that is so comfortable it's almost orgasmic (is that O.K. to say online? I hope Pastor Brad really isn't following my blog!!!), being with some of my closest friends, sitting on my deck drinking coffee in the morning, loving on my dogs, Starbucks (I know, #4), wearing high heels shoes and DOING LAUNDRY IN A WASHER AND DRYER!!!! Yes, it was good to be home!!

My purpose for returning home was to see my nephew, Casey graduate from High School in Vermont. My sister Vicki, my niece Taylor and my Dad flew into Virginia and we all traveled to Vermont for a quick 2 1/2 days. It was awesome and busy! Casey will be joining the Air Force in a couple of months...I cannot believe how grown up he is - I always think of the time I first held him - I wouldn't put him down because he was so sweet and smelled so good...my poor sister, we all spoiled him! Now, he towers over me and relates to me as an equal not a child. He has such drive and is so excited for his future. I love him more than the first day I met him (which I never thought possible) and being a part of his graduation was a true blessing.

This blessing would not have been possible without my husband. He agreed to take off work and take care of the girls for a week during my absence - So let me just go on the record as saying how much I ADORE my husband and how appreciative I am of what he does for our family - none of this would be possible without him.

Now, let me give you some scoop.... I know that many of you have read his blogs (just so you know, he purposely tried to "out-do" me) and so you know details of his experience - in a nut shell, his sign-language skills have greatly improved, he ventured out and had a lot of fun, he won the hearts of our cab driver and other adoptive family members and both my children were ALIVE when I got home!!! That was his only requirement.....keeping the children alive. I was, at times, worried this would not be the case when he told me on the phone that he was taking the girls to an Island that was populated with wild monkeys....I calmly explained that he was in a 3rd world country, doesn't speak Spanish and doesn't know any first aide....hellooooo!!! I worried all day until I read his blog that he opted for the local zoo (praise God)!! He also took the girls to an active volcano - I learned later that Lucie was so nervous she didn't want to get out of the car, crying and screaming initially and that 4-wheel drives were highly recommended (in Nicaragua...that means you MUST drive a 4-wheel drive) and Lucie spoke perfect Spanish to our cab driver to tell him PLEASE SLOW DOWN!!!! Yes, they are still alive.

When I got here, I really felt a sense of peace. I had my three girls and my husband all with me - it has been a long time since we have all been together and I realized that being in Nicaragua was O.K. with me - as long as I have my family. Well, it was short lived....my husband left today and I did not hold it together very well. I broke down a couple of times....totally surprising my husband!! For some reason, he believes that I don't really miss him and that I am doing so well on my own - that is so far from the truth. I could not do this without him and when he leaves - a big part of me longs for him. Besides the great sex (don't judge me), I really do love my husband's company, his sense of humor and his complete faith. They all give me strength and peace....

So it is just our girls once again.....My goal is to THRIVE here and not just SURVIVE!! When will I ever get a chance again to have my girls all to myself? No distractions....no modern conveniences....no friends......no husband.....no time by myself and ALWAYS with the kids, Oh sorry, back to thriving.....seriously, there are some beautiful places here, beautiful people and of course, my beautiful new family.....Many experiences to have and places to see. I look forward to it!!

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