Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Who's Got Your Back?

This morning at the pool, I overheard this conversation between two ladies…we will call them Caroline and Sally

Caroline: Hi Sally, hey, I have been meaning to ask you something

Sally: Hey, what’s up?

Caroline: I am trying to find out the status of your house this summer

Sally: What do you need?

Caroline: We have some people that will be here on and off all summer long…and I am wondering if you have any spare space?

Sally: Oh yeah…I forgot about your visitors. Sure, let’s see. There are two extra beds in the one bedroom and we can move another spare bed into our master bedroom. No worries, you can use any part of our house you need for as long as you want

Okay, so I don’t know if this seems just a little over the top to you, but it shocked me to hear this conversation and for “Sally” to basically offer up any part of her house to these unknown guests and for an unlimited amount of time? I mean I certainly didn’t get the sense that Sally was going on some sort of extended vacation or anything. This was going to be an inconvience regardless of how you look at it...but it was being offered up

After having read the blogs about our adventure here in Nicaragua, you already know that our "home away from home" consists of a compound of apartments, townhouses (not South Riding type for sure) and Duplexes. You have also gotten to know a few of the people that live here, through the blog. You also know if you are keeping up with some of my Facebook posts that we have a swimming pool, armed guards, guard dogs and lots of bugs. However, what might not be so apparent is the real community that exists here at Condo Allyson.

Here in our little neighborhood of about 50 families, you see community being lived out. If you are at the market and don’t have enough money…your neighbor offers it up. You ALWAYS get asked over to people’s homes for food and conversation. We share transportation. When someone is moving from Condo Allyson, they offer up their stuff to those of us staying…water stands, leftover food, detergent, fans (ah the one luxury we love!), etc. Groups of people get together weekly if not more often, in smaller groups, to talk about life and issues. The people with washers and dryers allow others without to use theirs (people are so gracious that I have not asked to use a washer and dryer. I did laundry this morning on the washboard LOL)! And by the way? All of this community happens even though everyone has jobs, care for young kids and make sure the older ones get to school on time, cook, clean house, argue with their spouses, etc. It really is rather remarkable to watch and to be a part of as well!

In short, EVERYONE HAS EACH OTHERS BACK! It doesn’t matter who you are, where you came from or what kind of belief system you are part of a community

If there is one thing that I hope I can take home with me (BESIDES MARTITA…HEEELLLLO) it is this sense of community. Not community that has to be organized for me, not one that has to have structure…just one that works on a daily basis, the way this one does at Condo Allyson!

1 comment:

  1. Nicely said my love!! It's so true - we are all a part of a family - why at home do we not speak to our neighbors? We are gracious when it's easy but make minimal effort to extend a hand across the street!! This is a great thing to take home with you - to open our homes - our hearts really....
